Friday, April 10, 2020

Personal Challenge #1

Spiritual Discipline #1

Make quiet time in the Word and 
Prayer a priority, every day!

~ Just You, the Lord, and your Bible. 

~ Try to do this in the morning, but be flexible about the time.

~ Start with 15 minutes if this is something new for you. 

~ Find a special chair or place you go to every morning.

~ If you find it hard to pray in the morning, 
pray through the Lord's prayer or a Psalm, 
stopping after each phrase and 
reflecting on what is means to you.

~ Sometimes writing down your prayers 
and/or meditations are helpful.

"But seek first the kingdom of God and His righteousness, and all these things will be provided for you." 
Matthew 6:33

" Be still and know that I AM GOD;  I will be exalted among the nations, I will be exalted in the earth."
Psalm 46:10

"He who dwells in the shelter of the Most High, will rest in the shadow of the Almighty."
Psalm 91:1

"Be diligent to present yourself approved of God, a worker who does not need to be ashamed, correctly teaching the Word of Truth." 
2 Timothy 3:15

"Truly my soul finds rest in God; my salvation comes from Him."
Psalm 62:1

Health Discipline #1

Drink at least 8 cups of water a day.

~ Drink a cup or two first thing in the morning 
to wake up your system. 

~ Drinking half your weight in ounces is the goal.

*But be sure to listen to your body and don't over drink! Drinking too much at once (more than a couple cups) can mess up your electrolytes.

~ Take a big water bottle or quart jar with you wherever you go.

~ Try it hot with raw honey and lemon for a morning tea.

~ Herbal teas, broth, and other unsweetened decaffeinated drinks count. Add a bit of raw 
honey, monk fruit, stevia, fresh mint, 
or pieces of fruit to sweeten and add flavor.

~ I've also read that drinking a cup or two right before bed is healthy for the heart.

Physical Discipline #1

Get your heart rate up, several times, 
every day!

~ 10-40 kettle bell swings 2-4 times a day.

*This is an excellent exercise for those who have adrenal fatigue, as it is short burst of 
intense exercise. This is good for everyone! 
If you feel drained after working out or taking 
really long walk it's likely your body 
isn't liking what you are doing. 
Try small sessions (that means 30 
seconds for extreme cases). 

~ Don't have a kettle bell or other weight to use? 
Do walking lunges, squats, or just turn on some happy music and dance, jog in place or do 
jumping jacks! Shoot for 2-4 short 
sessions throughout the day.

Remember, this is not a competition! It is your own challenge to push yourself in each of these areas. 

Comment below for accountability, to 
encourage each other, and offer tips.

Love to you all!

Staying Well Tip:  

At the first sign of a sore throat or 
cold try the following -
Sip 1-2 ounces of straight apple cider vinegar 
(with the mother) 
Gargle 1/4 tsp. salt in 1/4 cup hot water 
until all of it is used up. 


  1. Ah, love this post! You have so much to share! <3

    I really am going to work on drinking enough water this week. I've been doing my kettlebell swings and walking lunges each morning! :D

    As for prayer can be hard to get disciplined. But we need to be reminded how powerful and sweet it is! I have been praying on my 20-minute drive to work and love it. Praying out loud helps me stay focused. I love it.

    How is your quiet time looking? Much love to you!!

    1. Hi darling! Thank you for your encouragement! I have to say that this morning did not get off to a good start, but I am going to end well! I did not hear the rooster crow this morning and most of the kids were awake by the time I sneaked out of my room without waking baby. Aw...shucks! No quiet time this morning! I plan to go sit in the sunshine with a huge bottle of iced herbal tea this afternoon and read my Bible and pray.

      Shantelle, you have been an inspiration to me with your devotion to time with the Lord in the mornings! When I do get up before the kids and have this time, it is such a blessing! If it's too early, I find it hard to focus. But I'll start praying through the Lord's prayer, thinking about what it means to me, and that helps.

      Much love back!

    2. You're so welcome! *hugs* I'm just so delighted to see you start this! It's been a joy and encouragement to read these posts already!

      That sounds like a good plan! Sometimes mornings aren't the best anyway. I have a hard time praying really early in the morning, too - I just feel numb or something.

      Aw. <3 Praying through the Psalms can be so helpful and beautiful, too. We each have to find what works for us...unique as we are. But in any case, daily prayer and reading the Word is what we all need!
